Welcome to the CRX Markets Calculator

Calculate your financing costs when using our solution reverse factoring.

Here we go

How it works – example reverse factoring

Adjust the financing parameters:

  1. Select the appropriate currency (EUR or USD).
  2. Enter the net amount of your invoice.
  3. Define your agreed payment term.
  4. Adjust the reference interest rate if necessary.

After adjusting the financing parameters, you will receive an overview of the financing costs on the right-hand side.

Calculation Method: Discount Fee = Outstanding Invoice Amount x (Reference Rate + Expected Annual Financing Rate) x Days to Maturity / Day Count

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Financing parameters

The rate differs on a case to case basis and depends on the individual Early Payment Program.

Example based on current market environment for a financing term of 90 days. The reference rates will be linearly interpolated based on the term of the invoice and is floored at 0%.

Financing costs

You receive
Your fee
( % of invoice value)
Payout ratio *
Break-even financing rate **

Proportion of your outstanding invoice amount paid out to you less all costs.

If financing costs are higher than the break-even financing rate, participating in the early payment program will reduce financing costs.

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